How to prepare research for publication
The researcher follows the following steps in preparing his research
On the first page, the researcher writes the following: the title of the research, the name of the researcher(s), the address of the researcher (example: University of Jordan, Jordan, e-mail), the abstract in Arabic, then the keywords, the summary in English, then the keywords.
Search Content Ranking :
Introduction, research problem, research questions, research objectives, research importance, research terms, theoretical framework, previous studies, research method, study tool, presentation and discussion of results, recommendations, sources and references.
Search format :
The paper is formatted on (A4 size), so that the type and size of the font are as follows:
The font type in the Arabic language research is Arabic Simplified, the font size is 16 bold for the main title, 14 bold for the sub-headings, 14 normal for the rest of the texts with page numbering and the space between lines should not be less than 1.5.
Font type in the research in English:
Times new roman, font size 14. For titles and 12 for the body of the search, with a space of 1.5
Research volume and summary :
The number of search pages should not exceed 30 pages.
A summary of (200-250) words must be attached in Arabic and English, in addition to the need to provide at least 6 keywords for the content of the Arabic and English summary.
Margins :
The margins of the lower pages are used to mention any note, or to clarify any information contained in the body of the research, or to document in some research, and there is no objection to that, and it is placed in parentheses at the bottom of the page, or an appendix to the margins is made for it, which is placed at the end of the research and is placed in parentheses.
Documentation is carried out according to the method of the American Psychological Association (APA), as follows:
Within the research: if the reference is a book, it writes: the author’s last name, the year, for example (Al-Sarheed, 2005), and if the reference is a research published in a scientific journal, the above is taken into account, but if it is a website, it is written as follows: the author’s name (that Found), article title, year, location. As for the sources and references at the end of the research: Arab sources and references are given, then foreign.