مبدأ مسؤولية الحماية كبديل للتدخل الدولي الإنساني

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د.غفران بنت عايض القحطاني رغد بنت حميد السفياني


The principle of state reasonability is one of the fundamental concepts under international humanitarian law. Especially after the global consensus to resolve the legality of humanitarian intervention and its relation to state sovereignty. This approach indicates that the state is under the obligation to protect its citizens from humanitarian disasters such as, genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity, however the international community bears this responsibility sometimes. This study addresses the legal concept of state responsibility and its application during humanitarian intervention.


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د.غفران بنت عايض القحطاني رغد بنت حميد السفياني. (2023). مبدأ مسؤولية الحماية كبديل للتدخل الدولي الإنساني. المجلة العربية للعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية, (20). https://doi.org/10.59735/arabjhs.vi20.56
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