الإصلاحات النبوية بالمدينة وأثرها علي حياة المجتمع.

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

: د .عبد النافع سعد احمد الأمين


The study aimed to take up prophetic reforms in Madeena& their effect on society life , and according to importance of this topic to Islam &muslims,I took it  explaining how reform procedures happened through mosque building , fraternity ,Madeena agreement ,then economic ,healthy , educational & judicial situation reform . Also , army building which life was reformed by it when it corrupted . Importance of this topic manifests in recognizing prophetic  reforms that done by our master prophet Mohammed which had great effect in society life to make muslims utilize from them today ; because he deals with a topic that touches current life reality to adopt his biography asexample . The study followed inductive  , historical & analytical method , & concluded many results :

-Islam concerned & cared about the nation & resolve its problems .

-Our prophet Mohammed presented genuine picture about himself , his religion & wisdom .

-Our prophet succeeded in building new person with true belief system that formed nation start foundations.

-Our great prophet used thorough &thoughtful plans in establishing Islamic state , moreover , he established solid political educational & organizational work .

-Our great prophet was experienced military leader surpassed every one of his time.

The study recommends the following:

-Educating the nation with biography of our great prophet & teaching it in all levels , also correcting the course of the system of governance& administration according to islamprinciples , moreover , muslims should be good examples for  others . Addition to , necessity  to read prophetic biography deeply , and investigation , analysis & standing at every step of the reforms to learn lessons & experience .


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تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
: د .عبد النافع سعد احمد الأمين. (2023). الإصلاحات النبوية بالمدينة وأثرها علي حياة المجتمع. المجلة العربية للعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية, (20). https://doi.org/10.59735/arabjhs.vi20.67
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